Tuesday, August 27, 2019

BRAHMS REQUIEM Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1

BRAHMS REQUIEM - Assignment Example The Robert Schumann’s death that took place on July 1856 also triggered the motivation of this music (Musgrave 25). Brahms’ Requiem differed from other types of music in that it was deeply moving and contained messages of hope, consolation and peace which are rare messages in other forms of music. The requiem also differed in its length being the largest Brahms’ single outdid all the other music. Ellen Eccles being a theatre that was used by the Roman Catholics to conduct the masses for the dead served as a perfect venue for the presentation of this song whose main message was to console as well as restoring hope (Musgrave 47). The classical music is closely linked with broad historical periods, genres, forms and styles. These characteristics show that the classical music is more profound and serious than other types of music. The broadness of the classical music’s genres styles and forms offers classical music with diversity and, therefore, it is capable of expressing of more profound ideas, feeling, and emotions than other types of music. Requiem was all about consolation, hope and peace. The main themes in requiem were melancholy and consolation. In some movements the theme of melancholy was brought about by omission of trumpets, clarinets, violins and timpani (Musgrave

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